WS1: Increase Capacity of Domestic Violence Organizations to Work with Healthcare Settings and Alter Health Care Policy


  • Develop a multi-professional training programme on the medical care procedure and psychological support for older women victims of violence
  • Strengthen advocacy capacities of domestic violence organizations for implementing the protocols of healthcare providers
  • Elaborate the policy recommendations on EU level for advancing the healthcare policy towards the elderly female victims of domestic violence


  • Experts train partner domestic violence organizations on how to work with healthcare to support older women victims of domestic violence
  • Experts train partners on how to conduct mutual learning workshops
  • Partners conduct Mutual Learning Workshops with healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, first aid personnel) and professionals working in women’s organizations such as women’s shelters/centres to discuss relevant themes including barriers to effective care for elderly women victims of violence and identifying needs of healthcare providers
  • Conduct local focus groups/interviews with elderly women victims of domestic violence in each partner county, to understand experiences and identify best treatment experience
  • Experts train domestic violence professionals on political advocacy and policy analysis related to service provision for older women
  • Partners develop policy recommendations and advocate for their adoption on the national level to advance healthcare policy towards elder victims of domestic violence – policy recommendations are then synthesized for the EU level


  • 1 training programme for domestic violence staff
  • 2 Trainings for partner organizations
  • 6 Mutual Learning Workshops with participants from health and social care settings
  • Support/focus groups or interviews with elderly women victims of domestic violence
  • 1 Report of Best Practices and contextual analyses of health services for elderly women victims of domestic violence
  • 1 Training with partner organizations
  • 6 Policy Recommendation Packages on national-level
  • 1 EU Policy Recommendation Package

For more information on WS1 activities, please contact:

Austrian Women’s Shelter Network (Austria) Project Partner
Maria Rösslhumer - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.