3rd Steering Committee in Vienna (1-3 March 2018)
Gathering all partners in Vienna, the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting took place from 1-3 March 2018 in Barmherzige Brüder Hospital, which is also the training site of the project for the Austrian partner, AÖF.
The first day consisted of partners updating each other on the progress made thus far within the project, including key results and sharing of experiences. Partners discussed the implementation of the focus groups with survivors of violence, and the Mutual Learning Workshops (MLWs) in hospital settings. Local dissemination conferences were also briefly planned, in which each national partner will host a conference to disseminate project results with key stakeholders and media. The WHOSEFVA Training Manual was also discussed, including key deadlines, with the goal of publishing the manual and its translated versions by 1 November 2018. Furthermore, good practices and challenges were exchanged between all partners in terms of experiences during the trainings, and how these barriers could be overcome for the development of the online course.
The date of the final Steering Committee Meeting and Final Dissemination Conference was also determined: 27-28 August 2018.